Become a Drop Off & Pick Up Location Agent

A Drop Off & Pick Up location is a place where KreziCart can drop off a product at your location and the buyer of that product will pick it up from your location.

How Does The Drop Off & Pick Up Location Work ?


Step 1. When a buyer buys on KreziCart


Step 2. We deliver that product to your location (Which is the buyer nearest location)


Step 3. The buyer come and pickup the product from your location


Please note that depending on how many packages we Drop Off to your location, we will have more benefits for you. (Terms and conditions applicable)

Added to Marketplace

Your location address and name will be added to the KreziCart marketplace on the package pick up & drop off section (free visibility, good for SEO)

Picked up by medias

Your location address and name will be added to a web page with all other Drop Off/Pick Up locations. Those locations might get added in blogs, news articles picked up by the medias (free visibility, traffics good for SEO. Terms and conditions applicable)

Free Location Traffics

Free Location Traffics (Every time someone come to pick up a product from your location, they might be interested in buying your products or services)

Free Gold Membership

Free selling membership (No need to pay to sell on KreziCart)

7 % OFF

7% Off for 6 months on KreziCart (3 of your employees get to enjoy that benefit. Terms and condition applicable)

Free Promotions

Benefit from the marketing and promotion of your location by our various local ambassadors. (Your location might get mentioned when we do promotion)

Accepted and Non Accepted Location

Accepted Locations

  • Shop/Stores
  • Offices
  • Banks
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Gas stations
  • Supermarkets
  • Bus station
  • Post office

Non Accepted Locations

  • Personal home
  • Bar
  • Hospital
  • Dangerous locations/neighborhood

Verify the Buyer Identity

When the buyer or someone representing the buyer come and pickup the package

Ask for his name and order # (If someone is picking up the product for someone else, please ask for his identity and order number #. You will find the buyer name and order ID on the KreziCart Delivery App)

Got questions?

How do I access my delivery dashboard?

You can access your delivery dashboard by visiting:

How do I create an account?

Please note that KreziCart might be the one creating the account for you. (We might ask you to choose or change the password. After assigning the account to you, the security of that account is in your hands.)

How do I contact KreziCart?

You can contact us here at:

How do I verify my Identity?

You can do so by clicking here

Download Our Delivery App

To manage the packages, please download our Delivery APP (KreziCart Delivery App) on the Play Store. (Apple App is coming soon)